A message from Dr. Dany Raad, MD • Education Committee Chair
Almost 100 colleagues from around the state gathered on Sept. 9 at the Renaissance Hotel Westerville Polaris for the OGS annual meeting. It was a great opportunity to connect with old friends and make new relationships. In fact, networking and meeting colleagues was one of the most frequently mentioned reasons of what participants liked best about this meeting, along with the quality of the speakers and topics, the Q&A discussion and the venue.
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We had great feedback from the attendees. Everyone enjoyed the new networking welcome reception Friday evening and the format of expanded Q&A and panel discussion sessions and packing so much timely and informative information into an organized and efficient schedule. After the education, we gathered for a delicious lunch, an advocacy update and a short business meeting.
Scientific Posters
During the break, attendees were able to visit with the sold out exhibit hall and view 20 scientific abstract posters presented by our bright medical students and physicians in training. Awards were presented to the top three abstracts, scored in a blind review. Congratulations!
First Place: Ellen Tan, DO Chief Resident - OhioHealth/Riverside Methodist Hospital “Get FIT Campaign for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: a QI Project to Improve Screening Rates for an Underserved Population in a Resident-Led Primary Care Clinic”
Second Place: Akash Keluth Chavan, MD PGY2 - University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center “Doppler guided Endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection is an effective treatment for Gastric variceal hemorrhage: A Multicenter Retrospective Study”
Third Place: Rami Musallam, MD PGY3 - University Hospitals/Case Western Reserve “Risk of Surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Has Decreased Over Time: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Population-Based Studies”
2024 Annual Meeting – Save the date! The venue and food was so highly rated that we will return again next year on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 at the same Renaissance Columbus Westerville-Polaris Hotel.
Sponsors and Exhibitors OGS is grateful to the sponsors and exhibitors who without their support this meeting would not be possible.
AbbVie Medical Affairs
Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Janssen Biotech Inc.
Sanofi Regeneron
Did You Attend the OGS Annual Meeting on Sept. 9th?